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Welcome to Cleveland Bay Bridge Club.

Location: Townsville, North Queensland


Holy Family Parish Centre Corner Mooney St & Palmerston St, Gulliver Qld 4812 (Enter from 41 Mooney St driveway, through the gate and park behind the building on the right.)

Correspondence: PO Box 7421, Garbutt Qld 4814

Phone Inquiries (Jan Smith): 0422 073 144

Club email: [email protected]

Email Secretary: [email protected]

Club Web Site:

Founded in 1991; affiliated with the QBA and ABF in 1992

Major Congresses on ANZAC Day & adjacent weekend and Anniversary Pairs Congress later in the year. Small, friendly club (~120 members), visitors very welcome.

(C) Altosoft and Cleveland Bay Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Cleveland Bay Bridge Club 
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